What is Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation is a mantra based technique, practised for 20 minutes, twice per day.

We sit comfortably with eyes closed, allowing the body and the mind to settle down to its least excited state.

We transcend. With the use of your personalised mantra, which is given to you by a qualified teacher, we dip below the layer of thought. This is called this Transcendence.

It’s effortless. This transcendent style of meditation is easy & sustainable. If you can think thoughts, you can meditate.

Once your practice is done, it's back into action - ready to enjoy what ever the day has to offer.

Vedic Meditation seamlessly integrates into a busy life.

What is Vedic Meditation?

Why practise?

The benefits are endless

Be more you. We are all inherently, innately absolutely awesome. THIS brings out THAT.

Less Stress. Stress accumulates in the body and mind and that looks different for everyone. With this daily strategy, we rid the body of stress and increase our ability to adapt to the demands of everyday life.

More Energy & Increased Creativity. In this new state of calm, meditators feel energised and ready to innovate and create throughout every facet of their lives.

Deep Rest. The rest we achieve in meditation is 2-5 times deeper than our deepest sleep.

More Love. Humans are built to love. The bliss chemicals that saturate the body in your twice daily practice uncovers a readiness to experience joy, happiness & love that is already within us.

Flow and Alignment. We let go of control inside our meditation. Our body and mind naturally move towards a state of inner contentedness and we bring that state back into our day. Here we notice that irrelevant behaviours, thoughts and actions begin to fall away and we arrive & sustain patterns of ease, flow and alignment with ourselves and everything around us.

Vedic Meditation is based on universal knowledge, an ancient practise re-introduced into modern society, allowing the body and mind to move to deep states of rest and rejuvenation.

Become more you, in all the best ways


Become more you, in all the best ways 〰️

“It is the true nature of the mind to move towards greater happiness, this technique allows us to uncover that happiness within.”