What style of meditation is this?

Vedic Meditation is a mantra based style of meditation, practiced 20 minutes twice per day. Your personalised mantra, chosen for you by your teacher is a sanskrit word, that works on the level of sound rather than meaning. It functions to allow the mind to effortlessly transcend (go beyond) the layer of thought into a deep state of rest. New meditators commonly experience this blissful state in their first meditation and report the profound benefits within only days of starting their practice.

The only pre-requisite for learning this technique is that you have thoughts, as thoughts are a welcome part of this style of meditation.

Where do you teach?

The course is held once per month in White Gum Valley, quarterly in the South West of WA and regularly in Perth CBD. Click here for course details.

I’ve got lot’s of questions, can we meet/talk before I learn?

Absolutely. Hit the ‘Get in touch’ link and we’ll find a time to jump on zoom or a phone call and answer all your questions.

I don’t feel like I’ll have time to do two meditations each day, will it still work if I do just one?

The optimal amount of practice of Vedic Meditation is 20 minutes twice per day, but we get great benefit from any amount of meditation. People generally find that they feel so good practicing twice per day that they make time for it and it enhances their experiences of every other minute of the day.

Can I learn online or over zoom?

Vedic Meditation is taught in person only.

Can I learn in less than 4 sessions over 4 days?

The aim of the course is to make you a self sufficient, expert meditator. An important aspect of the course is that we meditate together at each of the four sessions, but you will also introduce a home practice into your daily routine. We’ll discuss your practice and you’ll gain an understanding of meditation through the lens of your own direct experience. Over the four sessions you’ll build a well of confidence as a meditator and you will be ready to go out on your own.

Is this the same as Transcendental Meditation?

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi brought one, ancient, universal technique to the West. Thom Knoles, my teacher, studied under Maharishi for about 26 years. Maharishi also started Transcendental Meditation.

What is my mantra based on?

“Stage of life,” amongst other things is considered when your teacher chooses your mantra. Vedic Meditation uses Bija Mantras. Bija means ‘seed’, the mantras charm the mind into the subtler layers of thought, here we achieve deep rest and feel a deep sense of contentedness.

It seems expensive to learn, why is this the case?

Completing this course is not a “one and done” situation. Once you’ve completed the course, you are entitled to a lifetime of support for your practice. You will have access to Elliot and any other Vedic Meditation teachers around the globe in form of weekly group meditation and knowledge sessions. You are also welcome to re-sit the course whenever it’s being run - usually once a month.

I feel like I have too many thoughts and I’ll struggle to focus when I meditate, is this a problem?

In Vedic Meditation we don’t control or restrict the mind or endeavour to stop thinking thoughts. The mantra and the technique of using it allows us to dip below the layer of thought without effort. Science tells us that we have 60,000-100,000 thought events per day. It’s not possible, or recommended, to try to stop these, rather we transcend this busy layer of the mind using the mantra and we arrive in a state of bliss easily and effortlessly.

Interestingly, a pre-requisite for learning Vedic Meditation is that you think.

I struggle with anxiety, can this style of meditation help?

Meditation has been scientifically proved to reduce anxiety. The beauty of Vedic Meditation is that once taught, it’s quite easy and simple and it won’t take a lifetime to feel the benefits. You’ll be motivated to sit down by the way you feel after meditating. Many Vedic Meditators report reduced anxiety and a more calm, relaxed state of being.

Do I have to believe in anything specific? Is this a religious practice?

You don’t need to believe in anything at all. Vedic Meditation is a simple mental technique practiced twice per day. We all arrive at meditation for different reasons and each person’s experience of meditation is slightly different.

Do you teach children?

Yes, we do. Children receive a specific mantra and a meditation technique to suit their age. Based on the same principals as the adult technique of Vedic Meditation, children learn to find that inner silence effortlessly and naturally. A parent who has learned Vedic Meditation is required to be present while the child is learning.

Do you recommend joining a group course or is better 1:1?

We recommend you going with what feels comfortable to you. A group setting has the added benefit of hearing other peoples questions and answers. A private course creates an ability to discuss your experiences at length. If you elect a private course, you’ll still have access to a group setting once a week at our group meditation where' we discuss the technique and Vedic knowledge. We also offer private group courses for couples/friends/etc.