Learn an effortless meditation technique
in 4 x 90 minute sessions &
create a sustainable, regular practice
that will easily integrate
into your busy life

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“The course not only equipped me with invaluable tools for daily life but also fostered a sense of gratitude for the present moment.”

— Student, September 2023

About Vedic

What is Vedic Meditation?

Vedic Meditation is a mantra based technique, practised for 20 minutes, twice per day.

We sit comfortably with eyes closed, allowing the body and the mind to settle down to its least excited state.

We transcend. With the use of your personalised mantra, which is given to you by a qualified teacher, we dip below the layer of thought. This is called this Transcendence.

It’s effortless. This transcendent style of meditation is easy & sustainable. If you can think thoughts, you can meditate.

Once your practice is done, it's back into action - ready to enjoy what ever the day has to offer.

Vedic Meditation seamlessly integrates into a busy life.

What is Vedic Meditation?

Why practise?

The benefits are endless

Be more you. We are all inherently, innately absolutely awesome. THIS brings out THAT.

Less Stress. Stress accumulates in the body and mind and that looks different for everyone. With this daily strategy, we rid the body of stress and increase our ability to adapt to the demands of everyday life.

More Energy & Increased Creativity. In this new state of calm, meditators feel energised and ready to innovate and create throughout every facet of their lives.

Deep Rest. The rest we achieve in meditation is 2-5 times deeper than our deepest sleep.

More Love. Humans are built to love. The bliss chemicals that saturate the body in your twice daily practice uncovers a readiness to experience joy, happiness & love that is already within us.

Flow and Alignment. We let go of control inside our meditation. Our body and mind naturally move towards a state of inner contentedness and we bring that state back into our day. Here we notice that irrelevant behaviours, thoughts and actions begin to fall away and we arrive & sustain patterns of ease, flow and alignment with ourselves and everything around us.

Vedic Meditation is based on universal knowledge, an ancient practise re-introduced into modern society, allowing the body and mind to move to deep states of rest and rejuvenation.

“It is the true nature of the mind to move towards greater happiness, this technique allows us to uncover that happiness within.”


Learn Vedic Meditation

The Vedic Meditation technique is taught in person in 4 x 90 minute sessions over four consecutive days.

You’ll receive a personalise mantra, we’ll meditate together and we’ll dive deep into the details of this 6,000 year old technique.

You’ll learn the mechanics of meditation and how to understand and embrace the natural tenancies of the body and mind inside meditation.

We’ll discuss home practice and how to smoothly integrate it into your daily schedule.

I’ll be there to support you in your practice for the rest of your life.

Courses are held monthly in White Gum Valley, WA, in a group format, and regularly in the South West of WA.

1:1 or private group courses can also be arranged.

“New to meditation, I was nervous going into the course, unsure at how I would go and what would be involved. But now, a few days post course, I can truly say it is the best thing I have ever done. I am already noticing the positive impact this practice is having on my life!

Elliot created a warm, inclusive and safe learning space, and shared his knowledge and experience openly. I am so grateful for what this course has given me.”

— Student, August 2023

Upcoming Courses


The course fee is representative of the deep knowledge and training reflected in the teaching. It also sustains our teaching practice, ensuring everyone has access to the profound benefits of meditation.

The course fees are as follows:

Group Course

Individuals $950

Concessions $700

Private 1:1 Course

Individuals $1350

Concessions $1000

Children (under 12) $250

Couples or private groups are available on request.

We are proud to support Ramana's Garden Children's home, which provides for at-risk children based in Rishikesh, India. $50.00 of full course fees will be donated to this important organisation.

About Us

Meditation with Elliot is run by us, husband and wife duo, Elliot Smith and Ella McNeill. Passionate about sharing the Vedic technique, we are meditation obsessed and keen to bring more joy, empathy and creativity into the world.

Always up for a chat, please get in touch to find out more.

Elliot Smith

Vedic Meditation Teacher & Co-founder

Generous, kind, passionate and enthusiastic, Elliot is a natural born teacher, plus his hair is the envy of most.

Elliot is a certified Vedic Meditation teacher, trained by the pre-eminent master of Vedic Meditation, Thom Knoles in the foothills of the Himalayas and inducted into the Shankaracharya tradition of India by Swami Kailashanand Giri Ji.

Soon after learning Vedic meditation, he knew his calling was to teach this beautiful practise and he hasn’t looked back since. His passion for the knowledge and endless possibilities of Vedic philosophy is contagious and he is driven to share this technique and wisdom with all that would like to learn it.

Elliot is a natural teacher. Welcoming his first students from the age of 15 as a drummer, Elliot went on to forge a successful musical career, touring Australia and working with the likes of the Waifs, Meg Mac, Christina Anu, Rhye, Perth Symphony Orchestra and others.

Elliot is deeply motivated to share this profound meditation technique and has an endless amount of energy for supporting his students to continue their practice.

He can’t wait to meet you.

Ella McNeill

Co-Founder and Vedic Meditator

Ella is a musician, dancer, yoga teacher and has had a prolific career in arts management. Always following her passion to help others, the last 15 years have included time as the CEO of the Human Rights Film Festival in Melbourne and the Director of Arts & Culture at one Australia’s largest philanthropy organisations. Ella has a passion and incomparable ability to lead the way, focusing her light where the community needs it most.

After learning to meditate, she soon identified her own passion and energy for sharing this ancient knowledge. A deeply empathetic person, Ella wants to bring meditation to those that need it most. When Ella isn’t bringing meditation to the world, she can be found writing alt pop bangers, dancing or leading a strong yoga class with her original atmospheric sounds filling the room with energy and fire.

Get in touch

We would love to chat.

Reach out to talk Vedic Meditation, info sessions, course dates or just to have a yarn.

info [at] meditationwithelliot.com
+61 402 651 330

White Gum Valley, Western Australia